Nemesia strumosa ‘Carnival Mix’ | Cape Jewels Flower Seeds

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Cape Jewels Flower Seeds' Nemesia strumosa 'Carnival Mix' is an easy-to-grow annual flower that blooms in a mix of eye-catching colors. Enjoy these vibrant, low-maintenance flowers in your garden or container. Nemesia strumosa 'Carnival Mix' produces lots of top-quality blooms on strong stems that appear in a mixture of colors. Nemesia strumosa 'Carnival Mix' is an easy-to-grow annual flower that blooms in a mix of eye-catching colors. Enjoy these vibrant, low-maintenance flowers in your garden or container. Nemesia strumosa 'Carnival Mix' produces lots of top-quality blooms on long, strong stems that appear in a mixture of colors.

Nemesia also known as Cape Jewels or Pouch Nemesia are bushy, erect annuals, perennials, and subshrubs from S. Africa where they grow in sandy soils near the coast or in scrubby, often disturbed soil inland. Flowers are colorful, showy, almost trumpet shaped and are usually grown as summer bedding or greenhouse plants. Blooms from late spring to the first frost in mild climates. In hot climates, they are best grown in the spring or fall. The summer heat will result in die-back. They may also be a winter annual in frost-free areas. Some varieties have a pleasingly light fragrance, producing long lasting, numerous flowers in mild temperatures. No serious disease or pest problems. Root rot may occur in poorly drained soils. Seeds are wind pollinated.

USES: Bedding plants, Containers, Herbaceous border, Cut flowers, Hanging baskets, Alpine and rock gardens, Groundcover, Landscaping, Cottage gardens, Houseplants, Mass plantings, Attracts bees, butterflies and birds

Botanical Name: Nemesia strumosa ‘Carnival Mix’

Common Name: Cape Jewels, Pouch Nemesia, Elfenspiegel

Type: Compact, dwarf, branching Annual

Flower Color: Mix of bright purple-veined yellow, red, bronze-yellow, orange, pink or white. Large and fragrant flowers

Flowering Time: May to October

Plant Height: 10 in. (25cm)

Plant Spacing: 6-9 in. (15-22 cm)

Light Requirements: Full sun and part shade in the afternoon

Water Requirements: Moist

Soil Requirements: Well-drained, moderately fertile, loam or sand but slightly acidic soil. 

USDA Zone: 2a-10b

AHS Heat Zone: 7-1

Sowing Instructions (Cliff Notes Version): Sow seed at 59°F (15°C) from early to late spring, or in autumn for spring flowering container plants. Overwinter young plants in frost free conditions.

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