Limonium suworowii Pink Pokers | Russian Statice Flower Seeds

€0,91 - €3,13
Deutscher Name:
Russischer Meerlavendel, Statize
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Psylliostachys also known as Statice, Pink Pokers, Suworow Statice, Russian Statice, Lambs Tail, Rat Tail, Rat tail Statice are erect annuals found in sandy soils on plains and in foothills from Syria to Iran and C. Asia. They have light to mid green leaves and usually bloom from spring to autumn. Plants are grown for their flowers which are excellent to cut for drying. Frost hardy to half hardy. If required for drying, cut flowers before they are fully open.

USES: Borders, Coastal gardens, Cut or dried flowers, Beds, Cottage gardens, Alpine and rock garden, Ground Cover, Landscaping

TOLERATES: Coastal conditions

Botanical Name: Psylliostachys suworowii Pink Pokers

Common Name: Pink Pokers, Russischer Meerlavendel, Statize

Synonyms: Limonium suworowii, Statice suworowii

Type: Rosette forming Annual

Flower Color: Upright, salmon-pink flower spikes to 8 in. (20cm) long

Foliage: Light green leaves to 6 in. (15cm) long.

Flowering Time: June to October

Plant Height: 33 in. (85cm)

Plant Width: 12 in. (30cm)

Light Requirements: Full sun

Water Requirements: Moist

Soil Requirements: Fertile, Chalky, Clay, Loamy, Sandy (will tolerate most soil types) well drained

Soil pH: Acid, alkaline, neutral

AHS Heat Zone: 12-6

Sowing Instructions (Cliff Notes Version): Sow seed at 70°F (21°C) in spring.

Click here for Planting Instructions